At the start of every workday, production teams gather for daily meetings to hear details about safety and quality items from the previous day, as well as the current production schedule and other key communication items.

But every Wednesday in the Bumper Paint Department at the Marysville Auto Plant (MAP), associates take an extra moment to watch and learn.

“When Anne first arrived to our area, she needed an ASL (American Sign Language) translator,” said Jessica Murphy, MAP Bumper Paint A-shift Line support staff. “I wanted to do my best to make sure Anne knew that she was an important part of the team, so I came up with Word Wednesday.”

During Word Wednesday, Anne Dobrowski teaches the team how to sign a word or two. Generally, the word is associated with department terms, such as polish, inspection and paint colors.

“I was happy to know that others are willing to learn ASL and communicate with me,” said Dobrowski. “The team is very helpful and happy to use ASL.”

An unexpected benefit is that associates can now communicate across the area.

“Bumper Paint is very loud,” said Murphy. “I often see associates signing to one another from a distance, even when Anne isn’t around, to let others know about a change in color or inspection needs.”

Honda has many activities to improve inclusion and diversity throughout the organization, and Word Wednesday is evidence of associates’ desire to work as one team and to learn from others.

“Anne brings spark to the team,” Murphy said, “and you can see everyone perk up just a little more when she shares a new word.”